Intro to Self-Care


We’ve learned about physical health, nutritional health, and even financial health at some point in our education. Yet, we were never taught about mental health. Mental health is something that everyone has to deal with at some point in their life, but different communities or cultures find it as a taboo topic. So how can we start talking about mental health more often for ourselves? 

Acknowledging the importance of your mental health is the first step to having a positive mental attitude.

Not only does your mental health affect your immune system, but also the way you behave, interact with your communities, and connect with others. Being open to talking about your feelings is the next step. Talking about your feelings should not be a sign of weakness, rather it is a strength in caring for your well-being and doing what you need to foster a healthy headspace. In this map, you will learn how to personalize your self-care practices based on your 8 dimensions of wellness. You will also find out how these 8 dimensions of wellness interconnect and highlight the importance of managing your stress level, setting habits for your physical health, and staying socially connected during this pandemic time.


Personalized Self-Care Through 8 Dimensions of Wellness