Explore where to start your learning journey
Personal Finance World
Map to Credit Cards
What exactly are credit cards? How do they work? A quick rundown of all the terminology and processes behind getting and using a credit card.
An explanation of what credit scores are, how they can be raised or lowered, and why they are so important.
Now that you know how credit cards work, we dive deeper into the reasons for (and against) getting one.
Discussion of some of the more prominent credit cards available, with comparisons and recommendations of several types.
Map to Paying for College
FAFSA is a must-complete for anyone looking for financial aid, whether it’s from the federal government or elsewhere.
Grants, scholarships, work-study - all great options for paying for college that are “free money”.
Map to Happy Tax Day
Understand what your income tax return is for and why you've got to file it in the first place.
Learn the differences between tax deduction and credit to lower your tax bill. Understand why tax audit doesn’t sound as scary as you think.
Map to Investing in Stocks
Career Jumpstart World
Map to Before You Apply
A resume is the foundation of your job hunt. Learn how to write a strong resume that will make you stand out.
A cover letter is a great way to make a good first impression. Learn how to write an impactful cover letter.
Companies see thousands of resumes a day. Stand out from other applicants by reading this research study conducted on over a hundred thousand resumes.
Map to Applying to Jobs
Either you’re looking to land your very first job, or seeking a change in your career, the process of applying to jobs can get stressful. We’re here to help you through that process and to make sure you’re well prepared when opportunity knocks on your door.
Expanding your network is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, because every person you meet can teach you something new.
Job boards gives you access to million of openings all in one place. We’ll introduce to you some of the best sites out there, and how to leverage them to land your dream role.
Job interviews can seem intimidating, but this is your chance to show them how amazing you are! In this article, you’ll learn how to answer some common interview questions, and how to be prepared for your big day.
Map to After You Land the Job
Starting a new job is both nerve-wracking and exciting. Let's get you prepared for negotiations and your first day.
Negotiations are a part of life. Let us help you get prepared to negotiate the best offer with these tips.
Let’s make a great impression on your first day on the job. Check out these tips to ensure first-day success!
Map to Succeeding in Your Internship
You’ve signed your offer to start your internship this summer, but don’t know where to start or what you should know beforehand. Check out these tips and tricks to succeeding at your internship.
You only get one shot at making a first impression. Learn more about how to get started on the right foot in the workplace.
Planning ahead is the key to any successful internship. Here are some handy templates you can use to ensure your meetings and project run smoothly.
Success comes in all shapes and forms during your internship. Learn how you can cover all your bases by not only getting a return offer but also making the most out of your time as an intern.
Map to Diving into Data Science
A comprehensive guide to all things data science, including resources for learning data science methods and terminology to guides on recruiting for data science jobs.
In this section, I discuss what data science work involves and how to gain the skills for becoming a data scientist.
This section serves as a beginner’s guide to learning the core principles behind data science - math, statistics, data analysis, and more advanced topics.
A wiki packed with dozens of links for learning programming languages commonly used in data science - Python, R, Stata, SQL, Matlab, and more.
Here I go over an example of a data science project, sharing the code and thought process behind creating a data visualization article for my website visualizecuriosity.com.
Map to Succeeding in Consulting
Introducing the industry of consulting. Are you curious about the day-to-day project work? Or how about cracking the case interview? Well, we have all that covered and more in the illustrious map, so read on!
Consultants do a myriad of different things depending on the day. There are a few common denominators including heavy work in PowerPoint, Excel, and working with a defined project team. Without further adieu, let’s dive in to the project work of consultants!
The Case Study. Every consulting interview process has at least one of them, so how can we best prepare? Read on, and I’ll let you know how to crack the case.
A successful consultant usually has two key traits: analytical and people skills. In this article, we dive into how to best showcase your teamwork and people skills during the interview process.
After working in consulting for a few years it’s natural to ask, what’s next? As the Clash said, “Should I stay or should I go?”. In this article, we talk about the different pathways you can take once you’ve done a stint in consulting. Read on to find out the opportunities that blossom from a tenure in consulting.
Map to Standing Out in Your Profession
This map covers all you need to know if you’re starting a new job or looking to get ahead in your career.
Advice on how to climb the career ladder by doing more than just what’s stated in your job description.
Feedback sessions are an inevitable part of work, so how do you make them productive and useful? Well, read on…
It’s easy to forget the importance of networking when we finally land the job. Yet, if you continue to network even in the workplace, it will pay dividends down the road.
Map to Making it in Marketing
Personal Growth World
Map to How to be an Involved Citizen
Learn how to be an involved citizen by being an educated voter, informed reader, and active member of your community!
A quick run-through of the US voting system and how we got to the complicated politics of today.
The ins-and-outs of how to vote, from registering to what you need to do on election day.
Volunteering is an awesome way to give back to your community as well as gain valuable life experiences. This article will help you get started with 8 simple steps.
This article will talk about some of the best ways we can stay informed, and also how to fact-check the information we receive. These skills will help us become better citizens not just in our own country, but also on the world stage.
Map to The Productivity Playbook
Introduction the productivity playbook map! Learn how to start and keep habits as well as many other productivity tips.
A deep dive into how habits can be formed and what tools help the habit creation process.
Further exploration of how to build habits, now focusing on what can make sticking to them easier.
An exploration of techniques to improve memorization, studying, and overall learning in any topic.
Further general productivity advice, from time management tips to techniques for staying organized and on top of your work.
Map to Independent Living
Moving out, going to college, or just wanting to learn “how to adult” - this map has advice for you.
There are many dimensions to care for your well-being: physically, mentally, and spiritually.
The not-so-fun but still very important parts of being an adult: paying the bills and taking care of necessities.
There are many ways to cook for yourself, and stuff like meal prepping and slow cooker can make it all easier.
Map to Self-Care During a Pandemic
Learn the six stages of change and see how we can tackle each stage to make healthy habits a part of our daily routine.
Map to Study Methods
Being prepared for tests and exams can make a huge difference in your grades. Learn how to study effectively to make the most of your study time
Study smarter not harder. Learn how to study productively by checking out these 5 effective study habits.
Learning effective study techniques can help prepare you for exams and will help reduce test anxiety. These 8 science-backed study methods can make your study time more effective.
Road to College World
Map to High School Timeline
For high school students, the road to college might seem incredibly daunting. There are a million things to consider, and you only have four years. This map provides a timeline to follow throughout your high school experience that can help ease those concerns!
Freshman year is just the beginning. Read all about how to best align yourself for college in the next three years!
Now that you have your plan, the climb and hard work to college begin! Read this article on how to make the most of your sophomore year.
Junior year is the most critical time if you are thinking about college. Read why you should not lose momentum now, and why it’s not too late for anyone to start their road to college!
Senior Year is full of excitement and anticipation for the future, but there’s still lots to do if you want to finish strong.
Map to The College Application
This map will take you through the reasons college is worth applying to, everything you’ll need to include in your application, and how to choose a school.
Going over the measurable components of the college application - GPAs, test scores, and transcripts.
The “who are you” part of the college application - showing schools your personality past the scores.
Once you get admitted to some schools, you’ll have to pick the one best for you. Here’s some advice on how to do that.
Map to What to Expect for College
We will go over what to expect to juggle between studies and independent living to make the most out of your college experience.
We will go over questions to ask when taking the first big step in moving out for college and your adulting journey.
How do you find the right roommates or housemates? What’s the best way to avoid housing drama?
Here are some tips and hacks from personal struggles and mistakes that can make your college journey a bit smoother.
Map to Is Grad School Right For Me?
Thinking about going to grad school? Wondering if it’s the right option for your career? Find the answers here.
Master’s degrees cover a wide array of topics and grad school options. Here I breakdown why an MA/MS might be a good option for you.
MBAs can vault you up the career ladder and teach you leadership skills. But is it the right choice for your future?
Committing to a PhD is a big decision that can both open many doors and bear enormous costs. What should you consider before applying?
Credit cards can be dangerous ways to get stuck in debt. But if used knowledgeably, they can also be powerful tools for making future purchases easier and actually making some money back in the long run.